Laser Scanning

Laser scanning uses LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology to capture three dimensional measurements of structures and create digital models that can serve as the basis for 2 dimensional drawings, be imported directly into 3D modeling software for additional design work or be used for digital documentation.

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Photogrammetry takes a series of overlapping two dimensional photographs and combines them to create accurate 3D digital models of anything from small architectural details to sculptures or entire landscapes with structures.

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Structured Light Scanning

Structured light scanning projects geometric patterns of light onto objects and use the distortion in the reflected patterns to infer the geometry of the object being scanned. With an accuracy of fractions of a millimeter, structured light scanners are excellent options where extreme measurement accuracy of smaller objects is required.

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Aerial Mapping and Photography

Aerial mapping and photography uses high resolution cameras mounted on drones to provide anything from simple aerial photography to complex, photogrammetric, survey tied and geolocated maps with three dimensional outputs.

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